Theology on Tap for February

Mark your calendars for the next Theology on Tap event. Friday, February 25th, 7-10pm, at the Thirsty Dog Tap House, 587 Grant Street, Akron This month's speaker will be Fr. Louis Bertrand Lemoine O.P. The title of his talk is "Little Way...

Parish Council Nominations

Parish Council Seeking Nominations Parish council is looking to discern and elect four (4) new council members to serve a term of three (3) years. Parish Council serves as an advisory committee for Fr. Valencheck, providing him with...

Father's Bulletin Letter 2.6.22

Greetings, After the Sunday Masses this weekend, Fr. Bozek will be taking off for Poland for a three-week respite. You, however, will not be stuck with just me. Cathy Sivec has been working diligently to bring in guest priests to help fill...

FORMED Feedback

FORMED St. Sebastian Parish has been a subscriber to FORMED for a couple of years.  FORMED provides a variety of content from video to audio to ebooks that offers Bible studies, sacramental formation, and many items that can build you up...

Father's Bulletin Letter 1.30.22

Greetings, This is being written to you on Monday morning from the living room of the rectory.  Our snow removal team worked late, late, late into the night last night to make sure that walk ways and parking lots around St. Sebastian...

Father's Bulletin Letter 1.23.22

Greetings, Thank you for an outstanding St. Sebastian Feast Day. It was an awesome celebration. How very blessed are we! St. Sebastian, pray for us! IN OTHER NEWS: SEMINARIANS:  I am also grateful to the three seminarians, Charles, Joseph...
