Ecumenical Efforts
The purpose of this group is to develop and maintain relationships with neighboring Christian churches, affording our parish the opportunity to meet, greet, promote harmony, celebrate and worship together. Events include picnics, book reviews, speakers and joint worship services. Volunteers are needed to help plan as well as assist with physical needs of such events.
Faith & Light Community
Faith & Light Communities are prayer groups made up of persons with intellectual disabilities, their families and anyone wanting to be their friends. They meet together on a regular basis in Christian spirit to share friendship, prayer and celebrate life.
Funeral Luncheons
Easing the pain of grieving families, this group coordinates the luncheons which accompany parish funerals. Volunteers are needed to set-up, serve, and clean-up after the event. Please note: this group does not provide food for the luncheons.
Legion of Mary
Through a devotion to the Blessed Mother, members seek a sanctified life through prayer and service. They attend weekly meetings and also perform the apostolic work of taking Communion to area nursing homes, hospitals and senior day care centers while promoting their devotion to Mary.
Ministry to the Sick
So much of Jesus’ ministry was healing the sick. Whether through his miraculous cures or his peaceful presence, He brought God’s healing touch. All of us are called to heal the sick in some way and every time we visit someone in the hospital or one who is homebound we participate in Jesus’ healing ministry. In addition, St. Sebastian Parish has a staff member to visit hospitals on an almost daily basis to visit sick parishioners and bring Holy Communion. We also have a group of dedicated parishioners (including, but not exclusively, the Legion of Mary) who also visit the sick helping them to keep connected with our church and community.
Mother of Sorrows Support Group
Mother of Sorrows is a support group for the bereaved. This ministry is one of worship, service and healing. Members attend all parish funerals to offer support and consolation through prayer, song and group presence.
Respect Life Committee
This ministry is dedicated to defending human life from conception to natural death. The committee works to build a “culture of life,” primarily through prayer, but also by educating the community about current legislation and practices that uphold the dignity of life. With volunteer help, activities are organized throughout the year: Life Chain, Mother’s Day carnation sale, Crosses for Life display and the Right to Life media campaign.
Social Justice....and Justice for All
This group seeks to lead the parish and community effort that responds to the call of Jesus – through prayer, education, advocacy and action – to raise awareness of today’s social issues and implement the Church’s mission of justice. Together, members read, study and discuss issues of social justice locally, nationally and internationally, in order to educate themselves, the parish and the community. They meet monthly.
For more information on any of the above ministries, please contact the rectory office at (330) 836-2233 or