Current Part-Time Opening - Director of Contemporary Music. Primary responsibilities would include recruitment and direction of the contemporary ensemble. Playing piano and/or organ for one Mass per weekend. Depending on qualifications, there is a possibility for expansion of position responsibilities. Interested candidates should contact David Uschold, Director of Music and Organist at 330.836.2233, ext. 104 or at



Cantors lead the assembly in worship and song. A pleasant voice and a welcoming demeanor are essential. The ministry is open to anyone Junior High age or older. Training is provided; rehearsals are held seasonally.

Parish Choir

Parish Choir sings traditional and multicultural music for Sunday Liturgy as well as for other special occasions. Open to teens and adults with pleasant singing voices, they rehearse weekly from September to June. No audition is necessary and the ability to read music is optional. Some travel every couple of years (optional).

Praise and Worship Contempory Ensemble

This group provides a wide variety of instrumental, vocal, and ensemble music for Sunday Liturgies and special occasions. Teens and adults with a pleasant singing voice or capable instrumental skills are welcome. 

School Liturgies

Oversee music for the Parish school and JB Akron school liturgies and plan school liturgical calendar for the year.

For more information on any of the above ministries, please contact the Director of Music David Uschold at