Baptism Preparation Team

A dedicated group of lay leaders prepare parents and godparents to understand and appreciate the responsibilities that come with the Sacrament of Baptism. Members prepare the sacramental to be used during the baptism and assist the families that day.

Bible Study

St. Jerome said, “To be ignorant of Scripture is to be ignorant of Christ.” Studying the Bible is very much a part of being Catholic. St. Sebastian Parish Church offers different bible study series throughout the year. Delve into Scripture and draw closer to Christ.

Catechist Formation

Christ commanded His disciple to go out and teach all nations. Having received the gift of faith in baptism, we need to delve deeper into knowing the truth of Christ. We have great catechists in our PSR program teaching preschool - grade 8. They are indispensable in helping parents pass on the Faith to their children. A great way to learn the Faith well, is by teaching it to others. There is required training involved for one interested in being a catechist.


The sacrament of Confirmation allows the students to become fully initiated members of the Catholic Church and occurs during the student’s 8th grade year. The program consists of four meetings in the church, an overnight retreat and the Confirmation Mass in February or March with a Bishop presiding. The students will also have to select a sponsor, a confirmation name, do 20 hours of service and write a letter to the Bishop.

First Communion

St. Sebastian Parish School students and PSR students work together to prepare for the sacrament of First Communion which is celebrated during the Second Grade school year. Preparation for this sacrament includes home instruction, religion and PSR classes at school, and special catechetical meetings on several evenings with parents, students, teachers, and priests. Students are then prepared to receive the sacrament towards the end of the school year during a special parish Mass in May.

Junior High Youth Ministry

Jr. High Youth Ministry programs provide a safe, caring and accepting environment for 7th & 8th graders in the parish and offer a wide range of activities designed to promote the spiritual, social, and service components integral for effective Catholic youth ministry. Activities include monthly faith-based meetings, social and service activities, as well as one annual retreat. Volunteers are needed to help chaperone, drive, and assist at meetings.

Little Flowers Girls Club

This club is geared for girls aged 5-10. Inspired by St. Therese the Little Flower, the girls learn about a variety of saints and many virtues to help them grow close to Jesus through the Catholic church. Similar to a scouting program, the girls learn and earn their virtue badges through a distinctly Catholic lens. This Catholic to the Core program relies on the stories of the saints, Sacred Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The club meets on Wednesday once a month from 4:00-5:30pm.

Mentor Couple

When a couple prepares for marriage, we request that they meet with a “mentor couple” to journey with the engaged couple and help them get ready to receive God’s graces on their wedding day and to live married life in a healthy holy way. If a married couple is interested in mentoring others, please call the parish. There is some training involved.

Parish School of Religion (PSR)

Public school students from 4 years of age to 8th grade receive religious instruction every Sunday from 9:30-10:45 a.m. in the parish school.


An important part of wedding preparation is the Pre-Cana session. The program helps couples entering marriage for the first time to better understand each other and the importance and dignity of married life. Pre-Cana is usually in February each year.


St. Sebastian Parish School students and PSR students work together to prepare for the sacrament of Reconciliation, which is celebrated during the Second Grade school year. Preparation for this sacrament includes home instruction, religion and PSR classes at school, and special catechetical meetings on several evenings with parents, students, teachers, and priests. Reconciliation is celebrated with a communal penance service in February and includes students and their families. Later in the year, the students participate in another penance service with the school during the Lenten season.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

The RCIA team always appreciates people who want to help with hospitality and welcoming potential new members of the Catholic Church. The sessions are times of learning, discussion, and faith sharing. 

Senior High Youth Ministry

Sr. High Youth Ministry programs provide a safe, caring and accepting environment for high school students of the parish and offer a wide range of activities designed to promote the spiritual, social, and service components integral for effective Catholic youth ministry. Activities include monthly faith-based meetings, social and service activities, as well as several annual retreats.

Vacation Bible School

VBS is offered in the summer for any child in grades K-5. Adult and teen volunteers lead activities which encourage children to grow in their relationship with Christ while having fun. This ministry is offered every year.

Young Adults Group (Ages 20s-30s)

You don’t need to be single or married to participate; you don’t even need to be a member of the parish. All you need is a thirst for God’s word and a willingness to share what it means with others your age. We also discuss encyclicals and other books on occasion.

West Side Catholic Couples

This group of adult couples from our cluster parishes meet to discuss and share their faith on current and relevant topics.

For more information on any of the above ministries, please contact Keith Johnson (330) 836-2233 ext:134 or