Gifts of Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds

Appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual funds can be a great way for donors to make larger gifts at less cost. Giving these assets may also provide great tax benefits and can be easily coordinated electronically in most instances. If you transfer stock to St. Sebastian Parish Foundation, please let us know. Privacy regulations prohibit the broker from sharing your name on electronic transfer documents. 

Please contact the Foundation’s Director of Development to learn more details on these types of donations: 330-836-2233 x113.

Planned Gifts

Wills, Trusts, Retirement Plans and Insurance Policies are all types of planned gifts. You may choose to name St. Sebastian Parish Foundation as a beneficiary of your will, trust, retirement plan, insurance policy, bank account or stock holding.

Contact the Foundation’s Director of Development to learn more: 330-836-2233 x113.

Matching Gifts

Many employers offer matching gift programs that enable you to double or even triple the amount of your donation. Corporate matching gifts are a great way to increase the impact of your gift. Please check with your employer and see if they offer a matching gift program. Many companies have unique guidelines for employees, spouses, retirees and widows/widowers. 

Most companies have a very simple process where you:

  • Request a Matching Gift Form from your company.
  • Complete and submit the form to St. Sebastian Parish Foundation along with your gift.