Father's Bulletin Letter 6.7.20

Jun 04, 2020


Although the Easter season has come to its completion, we are still wearing white this weekend and next. This weekend is Holy Trinity Sunday. The teaching of the Trinity is the core belief of our faith. There is no greater dogma. And in celebrating it, we are not celebrating so much the dogma as the Divine Persons in One God that it makes a feeble attempt to explain. With our limited abilities, there is no better way to come to Him than to celebrate Him and so we do this Sunday.

Next Sunday is Corpus Christi weekend, the celebration of the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus present to us as the Blessed Sacrament. For over a decade now, we have had a Corpus Christi procession either to a temporary altar on our property or to the former Christ United Methodist Church (now the Julie Billiart School, Akron). If the weather cooperates and we discern a good way to do so, we will process after the 9:00am Mass, around our property and end where the 11:00 Mass will be celebrated, which, at the moment, is the school courtyard. Keep an eye out for the Angelus Letter to know for sure.


EASTER SACRAMENTS: I am very excited to welcome the following persons who made all of their sacraments at the 4:30 Mass last weekend and are now fully initiated members of the Catholic Church:

  • Katie Briant
  • Tina Davenport
  • Erica Gerstanmaier
  • Michelle Payerle
  • Sheryl Franklin
  • Patrick McGlone
  • Leeann Marshall
  • Louise Skinner

They were supposed to come in at the Easter Vigil but the COVID situation curtailed those plans. Please say a prayer for them as they begin this next part of their Christian journey as Catholics.

CONFESSIONS: We will have our regularly schedule confessions on Fridays from 4:00 to 5:00pm and on Saturday mornings from 9:30 to 10:00am. They will be “renovation style,” that is, not in the confessionals and with music playing to mask conversation. Tuesday confessions will resume when sufficient numbers of people return to Mass so that we can cover all day exposition in the Church.

ROSE WINDOW: If you haven’t already seen, the rose window in Zwisler Hall is finally being reinstalled. This week the frame was put into place. The next step will be bringing the glass back and installing each section. This should hold for the next 90 years of the parish!

God bless,
Fr. Valencheck