Father's Bulletin Letter 6.19.22

Jun 15, 2022


Happy Corpus Christi Weekend. This weekend we mark the Feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus, celebrating His physical presence among us. For those of you who read this in time, there will be a Eucharistic Procession following the 9:00am Mass this weekend. We will process from our church to an outdoor altar in the courtyard (weather permitting.) Even if you attend another Mass, consider coming and joining in on the procession that gives a very public witness to our belief and love of the Most Holy Sacrament while asking for His gracious benediction on our parish, neighborhood and our homes.

This weekend also coincides with our nation celebrating Father’s Day! A very happy and blessed Father’s Day to all of our Dads. Thank you for life and for all that you do for you families. May God bless you.


EUCHARISTIC REVIVAL:  A group of parishioners went to a recap meeting on the synodal process at the Diocese. As you may have read in the Angelus Letter, this was followed by a Eucharistic procession from our Cathedral to the Parish of St. Peter. The parishes that had someone attend were given a special candle to place next to the tabernacle to mark a preparation week of entering into a three-year period of Eucharistic Revival. (It did not arrive until the Sunday Masses.)

This Sunday kicks off the Eucharistic Revival. Over the next three years, every Catholic diocese, parish, school, apostolate, and family is invited to be a part of renewing the Church by enkindling a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. As we enter more deeply into this exciting time, watch for further developments here and in the Angelus Letter.

NEW YOUTH DIRECTOR:  I am excited to report that Chase Bills, lifelong member of our parish, has accepted the role of youth director for our parish! Welcome Chase! Thank you for taking on this role and I look forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve for our youth.

John Joyce, who had this role as part of his position, will now be focusing on Young Adult Ministry.

CITY MEETING:  We had an update meeting with the city about projects around St. Sebastian Square. This letter is getting long so read about it in the Angelus Letter this Thursday.

MULCH THANKS TO YOU!:  We had an OUTSTANDING crew mulching our property last Saturday. Typically, we would get through most of the piles and some more dedicated individuals would have to return to finishes on another day. But we had such a great crew we moved every last inch of it. You are an awesome parish. Thank you!

FINANCE COUNCIL:  Mr. Ken Contrera, who has been an outstanding chairman of the Finance Council for many years, is stepping down from that position to take on duties with the Parish Foundation. Thank you, Ken, for all of your efforts on behalf of the entire parish and for all that you will continue to do to keep the St. Sebastian Parish mission strong.

Also, thank you to Mark Dujanovic for taking over the Finance Council reigns. I feel that we will certainly be in capable hands with you as our new chairman. And thank you to all on our finance council. You do such important work and more than most people know. God bless.

ROOF:  Speaking of Finance Council, we approved initial funds for the replacement of our church’s tile roof, about which I reported to you last week. Right now, we are doing our due diligence in checking on the companies and their bids with the assistance of the diocese (your assessment dollars at work.) So far it seems as though we will be able to accomplish this project without a major ask from you. Thank you for your generosity. This will reduce some of our savings however, so please keep being the very generous people that you are. Thank you so much for making St. Sebastian Parish such a great place to be pastor!

God bless,

Fr. Valencheck