Father's Bulletin Letter 4.23.23

Apr 20, 2023


On Friday of Easter Week, a phone call came in to the rectory with the news that the tear up of Mull Avenue starting east of the circle and heading toward Exchange would begin on Monday weather permitting.

This is being written to you on that said Monday morning and it is raining and things are at a bit of standstill, but my recommendation is to just assume that Mull is going to be closed for the next couple of months as they tear it up and begin the laying of new bricks.

Those coming to Mass on the weekend reported a good experience as far as access and parking were concerned. It meant a little bit further of a walk for some, but there was space to be found for everybody. School drop of may take some growing accustomed to. Fortunately, and weather permitting, the brick drives should be fnished this week so pre-school drop of should return to normal and that will ease the trafic. For those coming from the north east to the parish, we were repeatedly promised that Greenwood or Elmdale would be open, but on Monday we found both blocked. I suggest taking Mineola around Schneider Park and approaching the parish from Greenwood or Roslyn.

Thank you everyone for staying as positive as you are! I suppose it is a little like having your kitchen redone. It is mightily inconvenient and bothersome, but it has to be done and one grins and bears it knowing that in the end there will be much happiness with the result! A special blessing to those who live close by and walk and those who park a little further away in deference to those who need to park close by.


SEMINARIAN NEWS: Michael Garvin who has served in our sanctuary, played the organ for us and who occasionally stayed in our rectory was ordained to the transitional diaconate last weekend. This means that Deacon Garvin will be ordained to the priesthood about this time next year. A member of St. Hilary Parish, he has been assigned for his diaconate year to St. Joseph Parish in Strongsville.

St. Sebastian has received some other happy news. Beginning in May, we will have a seminarian intern assigned to the parish! He doesn’t know it yet, but should fnd out early this week. More information should be available for the Thursday Angelus Letter.

God bless,

Fr. Valencheck