Father's Bulletin Letter 3.29.20

Mar 26, 2020


This is being written to you on Monday and there is the very real possibility that many things will change between this writing and your reading of it so it will be rather general. If you are not receiving our daily, updated “Angelus Letter,” you may call the office and get put on the list.


AVOID SCAMS:  Do not believe any phone calls, emails or other forms of communication that may seem to come from the parish soliciting for money transfers, money orders, gift cards, personal information or the request to respond back to any phone number that is not 330-836-2233 or an email ending with address @stsebastian.org. If you have received any of these requests, please contact the rectory and/or the authorities immediately with all of the pertinent information. Mail the parish offices should only be made to 476 Mull Avenue, Akron, OH  44320. It is perfectly safe to sign up for or adjust your online giving but please, only go through our website to do so.

WHAT TO LOOK FORWARD TO:  If you are registered at the parish AND you have kept your records up to date, you should be receiving a phone call from a parish staff member or volunteer. They will be making contact to make sure that you are all right, if you desire to be contacted in the future and offering information on how to be in contact with the parish and on how to update your records if need be. Again, the ONLY number you should call with this information is 330-836-2233 and the ONLY email to which you should send any personal information is church@stsebastian.org.

HONORING THE PARISH:  I just received a phone call from the Julie Billiart Schools stating that the banquet at which this parish was to be honored has been postponed. (Not terribly shocked there.) They wanted me to assure you though that they intend to honor your role in opening this school perhaps in the fall.

INTERN:  Our intern Ian Kelly has been working many hours trying to keep us online and coming up with new content, organizing volunteers, helping out wherever he can and now, helping clean the rectory!

Fr. Anthony, Deacon Terry, your parish staff, the faculty and a bevy of volunteers have been working diligently and heroically to do as much as possible to keep St. Sebastian ministering to the best of her ability. For those of you who are out there and praying, thank you and please add this outstanding group of people to your prayers.

RECTORY OFFICES:  The rectory office hours may be hit and miss for a spell. If you call and get the automated answering system, please leave a message. Someone will at least check the messages on a regular basis.

GOODWILL:  The Goodwill truck has left the grounds and there is no current information as to when it will return. When it does, I will let you know!

WHAT TO DO IF THE CHURCH IS LOCKED:  The Stay at Home order does not restrict outdoor exercise as long as “Social Distancing” is observed. If your walk takes you past the church, our glass doors offer the ability still to see the tabernacle and the opportunity to offer a prayer to Jesus. While the playground and little library is closed, the walks around the parish are a great place to pray the rosary for the whole parish.

If you are not receiving our daily updates and videos, please call the rectory at 330-836-2233 for information on how to receive notifications to your email.

God bless,

Fr. Valencheck