Father's Bulletin Letter 1.21.24

Jan 18, 2024


HAPPY SAINT SEBASTIAN DAY! This weekend we will be celebrating our patronal feast day. Please take a moment to thank our saint for all his care for us over this past year. May God continue to bless us through our remarkable patron saint.


AWAY: Just a note of reminder that I was away from the parish all last week. If you were trying to contact me, please try again this week.

PLASTER: We are certain that we have taken care of all the water leaks with our roof. Everything is completely dried out where there was water damage, so we have set a date for plaster repair and painting in the church. February 19 through March 1 we expect workers and scaffolding in the church to make repairs that have been an eyesore for some months. It should not interfere with our liturgical schedule too harshly.

MULL AVENUE WORK: A bunch of trucks have been out working along Mull Avenue again. Wondering what it could be about, Joan and I went out to investigate and were told that they are putting them in the power boxes in preparation for our new streetlamps! If you’ve been to the parish at night, you know it can be kind of dark along Mull Avenue. Hopefully, soon we will be lit up again.

PASTA DINNER: To help celebrate our patronal feast day there is a Pasta Dinner in Zwisler Hall immediately following the 4:30pm Vigil Mass on Saturday, January 20. Hopefully I will see you there and remember that tickets cannot be purchased at the door.

THEOLOGY ON THE ROCKS: Monday night, January 22, I will be speaking at TOR concerning the confusing state of affairs we seem to find ourselves in, particular as it concerns the Church. Doors open at 7pm and the talk is at 7:30pm. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at the door.


  • 28 January - Open House at our school on Sunday
  • 28 January - Also the beginning of Catholic Schools Week
  • 3 February - Volunteers are needed for our INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL!
  • 14 February - Ash Wednesday
  • 18 February - Coffee House Concert with the Chardon Polka Band!
  • 25 February - Parish Mission
  • 28 February - Diocesan Night of Confessions

God bless,

Fr. Valencheck