Father's Bulletin Letter 11.12.23

Nov 08, 2023


Thank you to everybody who assisted with the St. Jude relic event here last week. We have been told that there was somewhere between 4,800 and 5,000 people who
passed through St. Sebastian church that day beginning with our school around 12:30pm and ending with the last of the crowds around 10pm that night. So many
people had stories about this saint and how he has affected their lives.

As you can imagine, it was an enormous undertaking to park, welcome and guide so many people. I want to thank our staff who worked so diligently to make sure our facilities were clean and in working order. I would also like to recognize our 85 volunteers who worked over the day to help set up, move out and assist our visitors navigate the day well. Of particular note is our Knights of Columbus who took over parking and those who made sure food was available for volunteers, staff and guests. Thanks also to the Grounds crew who saw to it that our property looked beautiful and inviting during this tricky change of seasons, those who helped on the financial front, security, our sacristans, and those who arrange flowers. Not to be forgotten our servers, musicians, ushers, and those who worked on promoting the event, and anyone I am regretfully not calling to mind. Mention should also be made of the city of Akron and the construction crews on Mull Avenue who allowed us access to the closed roads for parking and to the Akron Police Department for their presence.

When the diocese called and asked us if we would be interested in hosting this event, I said, “Sure,” without really looking into the details first. It turned out to be far more complicated and popular than was first thought. It was Cathy Sivec, our parish Office Manager who really dove into the paperwork, figured out exactly what we should expect, called prior hosting parishes for advice, made all of the signs and organized our volunteers. Thank you so much! 

The next tour will be of relics of all the popes who became saints. I asked Father Carlos if he would consider coming back to St. Sebastian (especially now that we know what we are doing!) and he said, “Yes, as long as Marcy Smith is cooking.” So, who knows? Maybe in a couple of years we can give it a go again! 


CD AVAILABLE: A new CD is being released of Lynn Steward, our organist, and our choir just in time to give as Christmas gifts or for your own personal listening pleasure. CDs are being sold at the rear of the church this weekend or at the rectory office. Tracks will also be available online

ADVENT CANDLES AVAILABLE: A limited supply of Advent candles will be available for sale on the table at the N/E entrance to the church.

EXTRAORDINARY FORM: Last weekend was the first in thirteen years that we did not have the EF Mass at St. Sebastian on Sunday, and it was an odd adjustment. There were a number of things that fell through the cracks such as forgetting to remove the Mass warning bells before the hour and letting our weekend receptionist know that she could go home an hour earlier. On the other hand, we have a lot of baptisms coming up and need to do multiple families per weekend and now we have more time to do it. We returned items loaned to St. Sebastian Parish from St. Mary such as some of our cassocks and copes and now need to replace them. News from St. Mary sounds successful with well over 200 people in attendance and the celebration flowed seamlessly. It turned out that it was exactly 50 years ago to the date when Bishop Fulton Sheen, Venerable Servant of God (a title one receives on the road to canonization) had preached at St. Mary.

FR. VALENCHECK AWAY: I will be away on parish business November 8-10 (if you’re reading this early) and November 16-17.

PARKING LOT: It was previously reported the church lot would be sealed and striped, however the weather did not cooperate and now the company that does it for us is suggesting we wait until spring for dryer weather.

God bless,

Fr. Valencheck