Annual Eucharistic Adoration

Sep 03, 2020

Our Annual Eucharistic Devotions begins on Sunday, September 13th after the 11:00am Sunday Mass and continuing day and night until Tuesday evening. Thank you to those who were able to adopt an hour. If you did not adopt an hour, come by at any time to worship our Lord. If you only have a half hour, great! Spend a half hour. If you only have fifteen minutes, fifteen minutes will do. Stop by for ten minutes after picking your children up from school. When you are driving by, we are so blessed to have a church building where you can see all the way up to the sanctuary from the road, just stop for a moment and give a salute!

The Eucharist is the Person at the center of our community. Without this presence of our Lord, we wouldn’t exist. Even during COVID, we have been so incredibly blessed in ways that so many other places have not, and we still were able to celebrate the sacraments and continue, in new and different ways, the spreading of the Good News. Join me in giving thanks and praise to the God Who loves us and to Whom we turn to bless us and keep us safe particularly in this challenging year.


                        Sunday, September 13th:

                                    4:30pm                        Vespers

                                    8:00pm                        Compline

                        Monday, September 14th:

                                    4:30pm                        Vespers

                                    8:00pm                        Compline

                        Tuesday, September 15th:

                                    4:30pm                        Vespers

                                    8:00pm                        Procession, Compline, Benediction

TUESDAY PROCESSION:  We will have a candlelight procession around our property on Tuesday night beginning at 8:00pm. In the procession we will also have a painting for our patron saint, asking for continued protection against pandemic and sickness. After we return to the church, there will be Compline (Night Prayer) and benediction as there typically is on Tuesday nights, only a little later!