Weekly Letter from Fr. Valencheck

Oct 10, 2019


A very sincere thank you to everyone who has committed to the increased offertory campaign. I remember 11 years ago when I came to St. Sebastian we were facing an operating deficit, creatively trying to figure out how to pay our bills. Today, because your parish administration worked harder at containing costs and you were generous with your treasure and talent, we are on stable ground. Please help to ensure this for the future. If you have not already turned in your pledge card or reviewed your giving, please do so and know of my gratitude.

Everything that we have is a gift. How generous our God is to us. We have been so very blessed. Thank you to everyone who worships here in thanks to our gracious God and who contribute toward our mission out of the gifts with which He has blessed you.


PYX, PYX, WHOSE GOT THE PYX?  A pyx is a special container that is used to transport the Holy Eucharist to those who are not able to be at Mass, generally when our extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion visit nursing homes, hospitals and the homebound. If you have a pyx (or 2 or 3) at home that belongs to the parish, could you please return it to the sacristy or the parish office? They are expensive and we are running short. Thank you so much!

A COUPLE OF EVENTS:  See bulletin for more details:

Monday, the 14th of October - presentation on your Guardian Angel-7:00pm in the church.

Monday, the 21st of October - THEOLOGY On ROCKS at Tangiers.

MOVING PRIEST:  Fr. Christopher Weber, pastor of our daughter parish of Guardian Angels has been in residence at St. Sebastian for the past few months. This month he is moving into the rectory at Guardian Angels. It was nice having another priest in residence for these months and we wish him all the best as he moves into his fixed up digs!

EXODUS 90:  This is a spiritually intense program for men. It lasts 90 days and as part of it there are small group meetings/support. Is anybody interested? Please read the website very carefully before responding: https://exodus90.com. I would like to find a group of men to do this. If you are up to it, please send me an email.

CHILDREN’S CHOIR:  The parish is restarting its children’s choir. If you are interested in your child participating, please contact Mr. Jeff Beshore. See the insert in the bulletin for more details.

THANK YOU: To everyone who came to, manned tables and organized and set up the Ministry Fair (moving the whole kit and kaboodle from the plaza to Zwisler Hall from Saturday to Sunday morning because of the rain), thank you! And, as we bring the summer gardening to an end, thank you to all those who helped with, or contributed toward, maintaining our grounds this past season. It is amazing the increase of people who walk around, take pictures or sit and enjoy our grounds!

God bless,

Fr. Valencheck